Friday, September 6, 2019

International Fans and more

One of our cast members heard from a professor residing in the country of Ghana who loves our film “A Stroke Of Endurance”!  The professor teaches at a university in Ghana and felt emotionally connected to the film. We are so thrilled to hear from fans in all countries from around the world! As mentioned in previous posts, we have fans in India, The Netherlands, and Canada as well! 

In August we had a private screening with me(Margot Cole) and John Diodato presenting. "A Stroke Of Endurance" surpassed 2,000 views. We are planning more screenings for Fall 2019. 

Just this week I met another fan whose father survived 4 strokes and I heard the film "A Stroke Of Endurance" helped the parents of a 3 year old girl with Cerebral Palsy to understand CP better.