Tuesday, October 29, 2019

World Stroke Day 2019

Today October 29th 2019 is World Stroke Day 2019. In appreciation of the stroke survivors who have inspired us such as one stroke survivor who allowed us to interview her personally to add to the authenticity of Professor Ben’s character, symptoms and recovery process, in our film  "A Stroke Of Endurance" and other survivors who supported our film “A Stroke Of Endurance” from the very beginning of its creation, and after like our wonderful new fans who are stroke survivors that let us into their worlds https://cripvideoproductions.blogspot.com/2019/01/a-stroke-of-endurance-featured-on.html Crip Video Productions would like to now be a part of World Stroke Day every year! 
We wrote a post for World Stroke Day 2018 here
Please read our previous post linked for a poem by a cast member of "A Stroke Of Endurance" for World Stroke Day and, reminders and encouragement for Stroke Survivors! 

To watch “A Stroke Of Endurance” for free with open captions and audio description, and share it with other stroke survivors and their loved ones for World Stroke Day see here http://cripvideoproductions.com/astrokeofendurance.php We hope "A Stroke Of Endurance" is a great resource for all stroke survivors and their loved ones for World Stroke Day today and everyday!

In other news we heard from a new fan who loved "Crips Not Creeps" and likened "Crips Not Creeps" to Martin Scorsese films because of the tracking city shots. We also heard from a fan who is a computer science teacher who was very impressed with all 4 films! We have a few more screenings planned for November 2019. 

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Screenings October 2019

Possible Spoiler Alert for “Drama Sighted”! 

On October 17th 2019, I(Margot) privately screened our first film “Drama Sighted” to teach about education and accommodations for disabled students like we did in April 2019. https://cripvideoproductions.tumblr.com/post/184588551231/spring-2019-screenings  During the Q&A, we discussed Individual Education Programs(IEPs), bullying and Invisible Disability. One student commented that she noticed the main character named Brandon internalized anger from being bullied and became angry himself, and angry at himself when in reality, it was not Brandon’s fault. Another student commented that people with disabilities wanted to be “noticed” and not have their disability ignored, and guessed that Brandon had his Cerebral Palsy ignored in the past before meeting Lisa. One person noticed how the female students at the beginning of the film liked Brandon at first but then turned on him. They thought the girls, Tina and Maggie, turning on Brandon was a very realistic depiction of bullying. Some people were inspired to share about their own disability experiences with things like ADHD, diabetes, and injuries, and some students shared stories about meeting deaf and intellectually disabled people who they thought had not been disabled at all at initially. We got into the topic of sensory overload and speech impairment in some disabled students. We discussed safety for disabled students in emergency situations in school environments and how teachers should never attempt to diagnose students on their own. 

On October 23rd, myself(Margot) and 2 actors from our films “A Stroke Of Endurance” http://cripvideoproductions.com/astrokeofendurance.php  and “Only Those Who Limp Allowed” http://cripvideoproductions.com/limpallowed.php spoke to a class of students about the 2 films to teach about disability as it relates psychology and human behavior. I was thrilled that the instructor wanted perspectives from multiple people with all different disabilities. We discussed Cerebral Palsy, bullying, blindness, diabetes, education, and mental health. One student was a mother to a disabled child and asked about the differences between being born with a disability and acquiring a disability later. One woman was newly disabled and was so touched by our stories that she cried while sharing her own story. This student asked to be part of Crip Video Productions future work. 

Today(October 24) One actor from our film “Only Those Who Limp Allowed” and I(Margot) did another screening presentation today where we discussed, Invisible Disability, Cerebral Palsy, IEPs(Individual Education Plans) bullying, and physical therapy. We made it clear that disability is NOT worse than death, or a tragedy, and grieving a disability is NOT like grieving a death. One person asked how IEPs could be improved. One person asked how physical therapy can be improved. One person commented that they wished the presentation and Q&A had been recorded. We are thrilled to impact hearts and minds in a positive way.

Please use our website contact page to get in touch, if you want to use the Crip Video Productions films as a teaching tool. 

Super Special thanks to the Professor(s) and students for inviting us!!! We have full permission to write this post from everyone involved.