Happy New Year from Crip Video Productions!
As I mentioned in my last post, I met Michael Lettman on Zoom in 2020 and he was kind enough to let me do a few blog posts for his Autism blog. Here’s my latest posts for his blog https://masterml9502.wixsite.com/livingwithautism/post/a-guest-post-by-margot https://masterml9502.wixsite.com/livingwithautism/post/disability-in-the-media-guest-post-by-margot
To my honor and surprise Michael mentioned Crip Video Productions in his latest video for his official youtube channel here https://youtu.be/lXm0VC8l1aM for which I’m most grateful. Crip Video Productions is mentioned at about 12:14 into the video. The video is included in Michael Lettman’s blog post about his college experiences, and the blog post now includes a wonderful shoutout to Crip Video Productions and some Crip Video Productions supporters here https://masterml9502.wixsite.com/livingwithautism/post/the-college-life-of-michael-lettman in the section about the Fall Semester of 2020. This college post is wonderful for anybody wanting to learn about what college is like for people on the autism spectrum in the USA and how capable autistic individuals are. Special thanks to Michael Lettman for the wonderful publicity!
As a reminder Julesworks which often collaborates with Teatro Paraguas was kind enough to stream the "A Stroke Of Endurance" trailer again on Jan 2 2021. Our trailer is at 1:22:04 here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urbNTNl0ryE&feature=youtu.be with a shoutout to all our actors! Jules also mentions his experience with dysgraphia and seizures in the stream. Teatro Paraguas has poetry by a Stroke Survivor named Damien Flores who wrote a poem about nearly dying of the stroke here https://xerb.tv/channel/teatro-paraguas/virtual-events/1609 on Xerb as well if you are looking for more content on Stroke after watching our popular film “A Stroke Of Endurance”.
Crip Video Productions has upcoming presentations for colleges and folks in the UK so stay tuned to this blog for more.