Tuesday, November 9, 2021
Cerebral Palsy Talk and resources
On October 19 2021 I spoke to some psychology students who were learning about the brain. I talked about the neurology of Cerebral Palsy, mainly what causes it and how it can effect daily life like how Cerebral Palsy is similar to a stroke, my film ‘A Stroke Of Endurance’ and about retained reflexes such as the Moro Reflex in CP. We talked about conditions that are common in the CP population like epilepsy and anxiety. This led into a discussion of lack of access in transportation and ableism and challenges faced in low income disabled populations. I talked about how being born premature was a risk factor for Cerebral Palsy and was asked about my own premature birth. We discussed how some people experience racism and ableism at the same time and invisible disability/hidden disability.
The other day I also spoke to a class of people who were learning to write and spoke about my journey of creating my first film “Drama Sighted” .
This blog post is posted with permission. Special thanks to everyone involved!
In addition on October 30th I(Margot Cole) was featured in Julesworks Follies with Crip Video Productions again here https://youtu.be/SCfS_hM1ncA at 1:52:45 and 4:07:38
These classes we speak to have requested that I include a list of resources on disability that I collected with collaborators over the last few years of making Crip Video Productions disability presentations. Most of these resources were suggested by our fans and collaborators. These links and their content are NOT official Crip Video Productions endorsements! Crip Video Productions does NOT own or control any of the following sites! The resources below are copyrighted to the original owners. Contact the original owners if you have questions about these sites below. These resources may be expanded upon on a later date. The links may be better accessed from the Crip Video Productions tumblr here https://cripvideoproductions.tumblr.com/post/665498721955561472/cerebral-palsy-talk-and-resources
Disability Related Bibliography and Resources https://cripvideoproductions.tumblr.com/post/665498721955561472/cerebral-palsy-talk-and-resources
Crip Camp
Enter the Faun (documentary featuring Margot Cole)
Margarita With A Straw https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2929690/
When I Walk https://www.wheniwalk.com
When We Walk http://whenwewalk.com
The Station Agent https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0340377/
A Quiet Place https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6644200/
The Brooke Ellison Story https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0407612/
Going Blind https://goingblindmovie.com
Front Of The Class (subtitled, captioned, Tourette Syndrome) https://youtu.be/P6UWIGrsxM4
“Music Within” https://www.amazon.com/Music-Within-Ron-Livingston/dp/B00194XKHG
911 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7235466
Speechless https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5592146
“I am very happy and excited to announce that the book Ableism in Academia: Theorising Experiences of Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses in Higher Education is available for free download from UCL Press. The blurb:
Rather than embracing difference as a reflection of wider society, academic ecosystems seek to normalise and homogenise ways of working and of being a researcher. As a consequence, ableism in academia is endemic. However, to date no attempt has been made to theorise experiences of ableism in academia.
Ableism in Academia provides an interdisciplinary outlook on ableism that is currently missing. Through reporting research data and exploring personal experiences, the contributors theorise and conceptualise what it means to be/work outside the stereotypical norm. The volume brings together a range of perspectives, including feminism, post-structuralism, such as Derridean and Foucauldian theory, crip theory and disability theory, and draw on the width and breadth of a number of related disciplines. Contributors use technicism, leadership, social justice theories and theories of embodiment to raise awareness and increase understanding of the marginalised; that is those academics who are not perfect. These theories are placed in the context of neoliberal academia, which is distant from the privileged and romanticised versions that exist in the public and internalised imaginations of academics, and used to interrogate aspects of identity, aspects of how disability is performed, and to argue that ableism is not just a disability issue.
This timely collection of chapters will be of interest to researchers in Disability Studies, Higher Education Studies and Sociology, and to those researching the relationship between theory and personal experience across the Social Sciences.”
Disability Visibility by Alice Wong (book) https://www.amazon.com/Disability-Visibility-First-Person-Stories-Twenty-First/dp/1984899422
“Being Heumann” by Judy Heumann (book) https://www.amazon.com/Being-Heumann-Unrepentant-Disability-Activist/dp/0807019291/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0JL7l6Tf6gIVBbbICh3dCAfOEAAYASAAEgJLyvD_BwE&hvadid=416715160959&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9004370&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=17364215176927162283&hvtargid=kwd-859188008295&hydadcr=22532_10353776&keywords=being+heumann&qid=1595366729&s=books&sr=1-1&tag=googhydr-20
The Pretty One by Keah Brown (book) https://www.amazon.com/Pretty-One-Culture-Disability-Reasons/dp/1982100540
“True Strength” by Kevin Sorbo (book) https://www.amazon.com/True-Strength-Journey-Hercules-Mortal/dp/073821602X
“Ghost Boy” by Martin Pistorius (book)
“Accidents Of Nature” by Harriet Mcbryde Johnson (book) https://www.amazon.com/Accidents-Nature-Harriet-McBryde-Johnson/dp/0805076344
“Motherless Brooklyn” by Jonathan Letham https://www.amazon.com/Motherless-Brooklyn-Jonathan-Lethem/dp/0375724834
Neurotribes by Steve Sliverman https://www.amazon.com/Neurotribes-Legacy-Autism-Future-Neurodiversity/dp/0399185615
All The Way To The Top https://www.amazon.com/All-Way-Top-Disabilities-Everything/dp/1492688975
The Child Who Never Grew: A Memoir by Pearl S. Buck (1950) . Pearl S. Buck is an American author who grew up and lived for a considerable time in China. She was ahead of her time in seeing the value of those with Intellectual Disability - then called MR.
A journalist follows a young couple, both Autistic, as they try to navigate a relationship. It gives insight to Autistic functioning.
Asperger Love: Searching For Romance When You’re Not Wired To Connect
Lewiecki-Wilson, Cynthia, et al., editors. Disability and the Teaching of Writing: A Critical Sourcebook. Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2008.
Care Work Dreaming Disability Justice Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha (Author)
Articles: https://www.thesqueakywheelchairblog.com/2016/08/thoughts-on-sagamihara-massacre-and.html https://ncd.gov/newsroom/2020/ncd-chairman-statement-michael-hickson-death
Price, Margaret. “Access Imagined: The Construction of Disability in Conference Policy Documents.” Disability Studies Quarterly, vol. 29, no.1, 2009, http://production.ojs.dsq-sds.org/article/view/174/174.
Price, Margaret. “Writing from Normal: Critical Thinking and Disability in the Composition Classroom.” Disability and the Teaching of Writing, edited by Cynthia Lewiecki-Wilson and Brenda Jo Brueggemann, Bedford-St. Martin’s, 2008, pp. 56–73.
Ability Magazine
Article on Thoughts Leaders in observance of the ADA 30th Anniversary
Disability Scoop
Audio Talks:
Progressive/Left-Wing Political Talks on Disability:
The Stroke Cast (stroke survivors) https://strokecast.com
The Slow Road To Better (aphasia, stroke) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-slow-road-to-better/id1208357373
Disabled Girls Who Lift https://www.disabledgirlswholift.com/dgwl-podcast
WEB Resources:
National Center for Learning Disabilities
Cerebral Palsy Foundation
Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Rooted In Rights https://rootedinrights.org
Not Dead Yet (Disability Rights) https://notdeadyet.org
The Stromies Stroke Survivor Blog https://stromies.com
Cerebral Palsy sites/vlogs http://elenadoodle.blogspot.com https://independencechick.wordpress.com https://www.youtube.com/user/ATREXLIFE/videos https://toniasays.blogspot.com https://includenyc.podbean.com/e/unstoppable-ms-wheelchair-nys-fight-for-accessibility-inclusion-and-representation/ http://thatcrazycrippledchick.blogspot.com
Youtube show “Men On The Move” starring one of the disabled actors from Crip Video Productions film “Crips Not Creeps” named Dustin Jones! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsUdcwR-vQvlRNhx5O87gBg
VSA Arts https://www.kennedy-center.org/education/vsa/
The Apothetae (theater with disabled artistic director) http://www.theapothetae.org
Theater Breaking Through Barriers www.tbtb.org
Phamaly Theater https://phamaly.org
Queens Theater For All Program https://queenstheatre.org/programs/theatre-for-all/
Teatro Paraguas (theater Margot Cole is a board member on and features actors with disabilities) http://www.teatroparaguas.org
Margot Cole’s films
Agencies/ Organizations
Birch Family Services - ASD
Brooklyn Center for Independence of the Disabled (BCID) - All Disability
Brooklyn Connect - ASD
Felicity House - ASD (Women only)
Fountain House - Mental Health-Axis I Dx's and/or co-morbid Dx’s
Goodwill Industries - Most Disabilities
ICL PROS Program - Mental Health-Axis I Dx'sand/or co-morbid Dx’s
Include NYC - ID, PDD/ASD, LD - Advocacy
New Frontiers in Learning - ASD/LD - (Educational, Vocational, Soft Skills, self-pay services)
NYC Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities (MOPD) - All Disability
Services for the Underserved - ID, PDD/ASD, LD-Mental Health-Axis I Dx's and/or co-morbid Dx’s
South Beach Clinic - (counseling, psychotherapeutic, psychiatric services)
TEENZ in the City - ID, PDD/ASD, LD (Soft Skills, Relationship Building, Recreational - self-pay services)
The HOPE Program - All disability, (primarily vocational svcs. w/some counseling)
ADULT CAREER & CONTINUING EDUCATION SERVICES - Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR) - All Disability
CCCC Position Statement
Disability Etiquette Guide from United Spinal
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