Sunday, February 3, 2019

Crip Video Productions Google plus page shutting down

First, Some more exciting Crip Video Productions news!

John Diodato, an actor who played a student in "A Stroke Of Endurance" who is blind in real life was featured in a news story about an ice hockey team for blind hockey players here Check it out! We are all so proud of you John!

To see John Diodato in "A Stroke Of Endurance" for free see here 

As a reminder our director Margot Cole was also featured on "The Stromies" Stroke Survivor blog here in an article about "A Stroke Of

A fan of Crip Video Productions Saim Sarwar is selling shirts again here 5 shirts must be sold in order for the shirts to ship. Orders will ship in late February if successful. All profits go entirely to Saim Sarwar NOT Crip Video Productions!

Most importantly. Please note: Our Crip Video Productions google plus page is apparently going to be shut down in April 2019 because Google Plus will no longer exist as of April 2019. This is not the decision of Crip Video Productions. Google itself has decided to close all of Google Plus down entirely.  If anybody on this blog has been following us on google plus please be advised that we will be moving all of the data from the Google Plus page to the back up blog here so please check there for updates and archival posts. Some google plus posts have already been archived like our Cerebral Palsy Awareness google plus posts, in our previous archived posts. This sort of situation is exactly why we made this back up blog in the first place. Anything new that would have been posted to the google plus will be posted here. 

If you experience any difficulty with the Crip Video Productions Tumblr page or any aspect of Crip Video Productions please contact us immediately at or email at or feel free to comment on this post. Also feel free to comment at any point on this blog if you like our work and want to tell us.