Today October 29th 2020 is World Stroke Day 2020. In appreciation of the stroke survivors who have inspired us such as one stroke survivor who allowed us to interview her personally to add to the authenticity of Professor Ben’s character, symptoms and recovery process, in our film "A Stroke Of Endurance" and other survivors who supported our film “A Stroke Of Endurance” from the very beginning of its creation, and after like our wonderful new fans who are stroke survivors that let us into their worlds Crip Video Productions would like to now be a part of World Stroke Day every year!
We wrote a post for World Stroke Day 2018 here and for World Stroke Day 2019 here
Please read our previous posts linked for a poem by a cast member of "A Stroke Of Endurance" for World Stroke Day and, reminders and encouragement for Stroke Survivors!
To watch “A Stroke Of Endurance” for free with open captions and audio description, and share it with other stroke survivors and their loved ones for World Stroke Day see here We hope "A Stroke Of Endurance" is a great resource for all stroke survivors and their loved ones for World Stroke Day today and everyday!
This year, during the ongoing pandemic, Crip Video Productions would like people to be aware that according to current research COVID19 increases the risk of having a stroke, especially ischemic stroke, and if you have already had a stroke, you might be at a high risk of developing complications of COVID19 coronavirus.
In other news, we met an autism advocate on a Zoom call about higher education for individuals with intellectual disabilities, named Michael Lettman who is allowing Crip Video Productions to share his website
and videos
with our fans. Check them out and share! Michael Lettman's website is a good resource for those who want to know about higher education and autism.
Our friends at Teatro Paraguas also have a XERB channel now! Support Teatro Paraguas! (Please note! Crip Video Productions is not responsible for content on these external links!)
We have more Crip Video Productions screenings, presentations and projects planned for November 2020.