Disability Advocacy talk Part 2:
Today(February 4th 2021) we had a "part 2" to another online video call presentation myself and my Crip Video Productions cast members gave in November 2020. We talked about Cerebral Palsy, blindness, autism and eye surgeries. I(Margot) mentioned that Cerebral Palsy is caused by stroke and that it is actually easier for a baby to have a stroke than an adult(according to "Cerebral Palsy Foundation"). We got questions from people in the UK(England) about educating on disability issues. We had a discussion of adapted martial arts, adapted yoga(called chair yoga apparently), and adapted dance for those with physical disability. We discussed therapeutic Neuroplasticity involved in martial arts and dance for people with neurologic conditions. A woman with a physical disability in the audience spoke a lot about her personal experience. Many audience members mentioned bad experiences with inaccessible public transit. A cast member who is able bodied talked about her experience needing accommodations for a temporary condition and how it helped her empathize more with people with disabilities. Some audience members wanted us to do more presentations. At the end we received feedback that people saw the humanity of the disabled community through us.
Michael Lettman talked about his youtube channel, blog and autism advocacy project and how I started writing a series of guest blog posts for him during the presentation. https://masterml9502.wixsite.com/livingwithautism/post/disability-in-the-media-guest-post-by-margot I will continue to guest post for Michael Lettman.
Special thanks to all of the panelists and attendees! We have full permission from everyone involved to write this blog post!
In other news Julesworks which collaborates with Teatro Paraguas featured Crip Video Productions trailer and blooper video in another live stream on January 30 2021 here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hqoMUqvpKc Crip Video Productions is featured at 1:09:00 and 1:58:00 roughly.