Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Giving talk on stroke in adults, toddlers and babies

On November 21 2023 I spoke to another class of Professor Carol Carielli’s students learning to be teachers who had seen “A Stroke Of Endurance”. One student asked if the real professor who “A Stroke Of Endurance” is based on had his stroke in class, and I told them he had the stroke on campus but not during our class. I explained to the student the character in the film and the real professor did have side effects of the stroke that made him dizzy which led to a discussion of other different types of strokes, emergency treatments to stop a stroke, and individuals who had mini strokes and concussions which led to questions about institutional developmental delay, early intervention, Cerebral Palsy and my science essays on Cerebral Palsy like The Moro Reflex and how the Moro Reflex and gag reflex effect children with Cerebral Palsy and Autism and how some children have both Cerebral Palsy and Autism at the same time. We discussed how teachers must also accommodate parents who have disabilities who have to meet with teachers and access the school buildings. The audience wanted to know about upcoming films like "What The Body Believes". This post is posted with permission of Professor Carol Carielli.

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes

    the gag reflex - though normal in certain stages of development - is also a feature of central and focal brain injuries.

    Also it becomes more pronounced under stressful conditions.

    Carol Carielli is a very fine professor.

    Ah, yes, the dizziness.

    I will be interested to think about institutional developmental delay with you.

    [and also language deprivation in particular].

    We had Stroke Week in Oz not too far back.

    And my family give to the Stroke Foundation when we can.

    #AStrokeOfEndurance #Stroke #InstitutionalDevelopmentalDelay #Accommodations #WhatTheBodyBelieves
