Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Autism Pride

In honor of Autistic Pride Day Crip Video Productions would like to acknowledge and show gratitude to all of the autistic people who make Crip Video Productions what it is today. At Crip Video Productions we celebrate Neurodiversity and the greatest of the autistic brain which is an asset to our productions and we strongly believe that considering the 90% unemployment rate of autistics we wish to show the strengths of autistics in the workplace. Autistic people have been a part of Crip Video Productions in one way or another since its inception and we value their personal accomplishments and their lives. At Crip Video Productions we believe autism is a part of the world and natural environment. We couldn’t be more proud to have autistic people be part of the Crip Video Productions community because they are a key part of our fanbase as a disability led, disability oriented company. At Crip Video Productions we would like to wish a Happy Autistic Pride day to autistic people and their families all over the world because we believe all people have value, neurotypical and neurodiverse alike regardless of how they describe their disability or lack of one, and they will always have a place in our company.

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