Mark Pauling, an actor from our film “A Stroke Of Endurance” who plays a college student in Ava’s class in the film, is selling some awesome comic books on Ebay here Please check it out! Please note!: Crip Video Productions does NOT receive any monetary gain from the sale of the comics! Please contact them through Ebay for help if needed, NOT Crip Video Productions.
We got more feedback on our online video calls from viewers saying they felt empowered by the presentations. The viewers said they now have a more positive view of disability and did not realize Cerebral Palsy came with a very sensitive startle reflex. Some viewers said they had never met anyone with the spastic diplegia type of Cerebral Palsy before meeting us.
It’s also “Stroke Awareness Month” for our fans with strokes in May. Please share “A Stroke Of Endurance” with stroke survivors this month.