On May 20th 2019 I screened the film “A Stroke Of Endurance” http://cripvideoproductions.com/astrokeofendurance.php for 2 more college classes related to sociology. I introduced the film and told the class I wrote the film partly to spread the message that disabled people are NOT better off dead.
The response was hugely positive during the 2 Q&As. It was a ton of fun! The students had great questions and comments as always about what CP was and the production process. One student told me they found the film inspiring. Another student asked me how we got permission to shoot the film at the location where it was shot. One student asked how the actor who played Professor Ben was able to re create the stroke so well. They loved the actor Tim Snoha, who played the character with the stroke! “He’s just a darn good, super talented actor!!” I said. Then I explained how a woman with a stroke had been involved and gave input on Professor Ben’s character to make his movements and emotions more realistic, then the actors followed my instructions really well and brought some of their own disability experience into the performance. Yet another student asked if I was trying to change the conversation on disability. One student asked what Cerebral Palsy was and if Cerebral Palsy was painful. I explained it depended on the person with CP but arthritis was common. Then this person commented that they liked how one of Professor Ben’s biggest fears was losing the ability to work. After the screening a student told me they liked how truthful the film was.
I was given full permission by the professor to make this blog post! Special thanks to the professor for inviting me and I hope to do it again!
Again if you are a professor and/or teacher and want to use our films as a teaching tool please contact us via our website contact page.
In other news the actor Tim Snoha who played Professor Ben in our film "A Stroke Of Endurance" got a role in another short film called "Highly Recommended" as a character who is murdered. Here's the trailer https://vimeo.com/